Tuesday 14 February 2012

Stash Status Update

I thought it was probably about time that I checked on the stash busting progress I am making *laughs*

Last time I checked on it was 9th January, when the figures were:

Total stash (balls): 99.5
Total stash (meters): 19,632
Total stash (yards): 21,469

Since then I know I have made some inroads... The way I work it is that works in progress count as stash until they are fully finished, so finishing things like my ballet sweater have a nice impact on the stash total ;)

Thanks to Ravelry, it is easy to keep track, and downloading the stash spreadsheet means I can total everything up without having to get it out and count it *grins* Just in case anyone was wondering how I managed to get the figures!

So, today's totals:

Total stash (balls): 88.8
Total stash (meters): 17,705
Total stash (yards): 19,362

Not bad *smiles* Nearly 10 balls down, and a couple of thousand meters/yards gone. I haven't bought any yarn in that time either, which obviously helps!

It doesn't seem like a huge amount, but as I'm not counting the balls in progress there will be another batch to come off as soon as I finish some more projects ;)

I still have lots of projects I am excited about for yarn I have already. Plus my brother has requested more socks, apparently the ones I made him are awesome ;) Well, I have some of the same yarn that I used for his last pair sitting in my stash, so that works for me. I have the perfect yarn in stash to make a secret project for my latest swap... That's some stashbusting of the best kind - having the perfect yarn to hand rather than buying more. 

And, as there are no pictures in the post, here's a gratuitous shot of my gorgeous llama yarn... 


  1. I love this idea of knitting from your stash. I am trying to do the same. Although the problem with my stash is that I have one or 2 balls of each type/color of yarn. Instead of going to the store and saying "i am going to make x and need y number of skeins" I instead say, "oh, that is so pretty and soft, I should bring it home with me!" Such as now, I am in the process of making socks for myself...unfortunately I think that I am going to have far less yarn for the second sock than I had originally expected. Now, I could go out and buy the same yarn again, it is commercial, but maybe instead I will use another random skein and have mismatched socks...would that really be so bad?? ;-) And that llama yarn is awesome!

  2. You have some absolutely amazing yarn in your stash, that is for sure. I really need to get some llama yarn to try. Good luck with stash busting!

  3. ooo llama yarn sounds interesting. I'm attempting a stash bust myself, but I also told myself I wouldn't buy any new yarn all year either...
    Good luck with your stash bust, I can't wait to hear about your successes.

  4. I don't think there's a better feeling than wanting to knit something and having the yarn already on hand. Lovely llama yarn!

  5. It seems like almost all of my fellow bloggers are going cold sheep this year. Glad it's not just me!

  6. Mmmmmm, llama yarn! Your stash busting is going way better than mine, sock yarn keeps "accidently" being acquired :D


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