Thursday, 15 September 2011

Kinda Bored

Right now I'm a little bored with all my WIPs. I'm sure I can't be the only one this happens to?!

Unusually for me, though, I have resisted casting something else on. I actually want to work on my current projects... Ok, strictly I don't want to work on them, I want them to be done, but you know what I mean *laughs*

I have loved knitting my blanket, and although I still do, I seem to have stalled. It might be because I need to work out how to add to the length while keeping the spirit of the pattern, plus the fact that it should be finished after this block so it feels like getting extra homework to have to knit more *wry smile* Ah, I really should just sit down and get on with it.

I mentioned yesterday that I am not enjoying knitting Cria. I like the fact that it is seamless, so it won't need putting together at the end, but I think seamless garments have their downsides too -  the rows seem to take forever! Technically I know that in the long run it is probably no slower than knitting in sections but I don't feel like I am really making progress, which always saps my will to knit ;)

So, without casting on something new, how do I keep my motivation? Well, I have been assigning yarn to new patterns, ready for when I can start my next project (and I know there is nothing stopping me from casting on now, but I do want to get what I am working on done and dusted!)

So this yarn will become this circular shrug (shrug photo © Loopi):

And I will be making red socks in this pattern (which will be the first non-vanilla sock pattern I shall attempt, so this could inspire me or cause immense frustration *laughs* I guess we'll see!):

© Tiiina

My purple alpaca is assigned to this simple vest  (vest photo © Niina):

I have lots more projects in my queue, with plenty of yarn ready and waiting *laughs* But I think these are the top 3 contenders for when I finish what I am doing. So, hopefully reminding myself of what I want to move on to will motivate me to get finishing ;)


  1. Oooers, thanks for the link to the shrug. That looks like it'll be fun!

    I get bored with my wips too. That's why I have so many of them sitting around not finished. =D

  2. You are not the only one. I think there have been people like "us" for ages. I have a queue a mile long, and keep adding to it! Mostly it's to remember what I planned to do with certain yarns, don't want to rely on my old age brain LOL!

  3. I get the same way with projects, just wanting them to be done so I can start soemthing else. I like your choices for what is coming up, especially the socks

  4. I often get bored of my WIPs. If it's something that I *have to* finish (either for a swap or because I'm so close to done) I'll just set a timer and knit until the timer goes off. Then I get up and do something else. It works with cleaning the house too. I figured out this method when I was in college and just had to slog through either assigned reading or writing a paper. If I just write for 15 minutes with out stopping, I can lollygag on facebook for 20. Then it's back to writing for another 15. By the second or third go-round, I'm in the groove and don't need these procrastination breaks.

  5. Oh dear, I just recently assigned a yarn to a project - just to motivate em to finish another. Didn't work, I casted on the new one a few days ago and haven't looked at the old one since. It's so much fun to plan and play isn't it?

  6. Oooooo lots of interesting projects!! I like the sock pattern, if i could make socks I would use I like the detail on them :)

  7. Love the sock pattern, but I am kind of fond of vanilla socks. Then you do not have to "think" :)

  8. that definitely happens to me too - I go through stages where the five (or sometimes 10 or more...) WIPs I have aren't what I want to knit, but unlike you I can never behave and I always cast on for something new.

    I love those socks! they're in my queue too =)

  9. I like the circular shrug pattern (might have to have a go at that myself one day)

  10. You are a stronger woman than I - I would have cast on something small, like the socks, to give myself an easy finish project. When I get bored or in a lull, I will crochet a few squares and then I'll miss my knitting so I always head back to it.

    Good luck getting it done!

  11. I know the feeling. I don't need to start anything else but I'm bored, too :-)

  12. Love those planned projects. I think you are very disciplined and if you do finish some of those WIPs you will feel so good about yourself. I struggle with it as well and ration new knits against WIPs.

  13. I just love those socks. And you know what? I'm casting on a pair of socks right now. You made me to do so. :-)


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