Thursday, 8 September 2011

The Babe With the Power

A short while ago, I left a comment on Karen's blog Nothing But Knit 2. I then received an unexpected and very exciting email...

The email from Karen said that she had been running a secret contest on her blog, and as I was the 1000th commenter, I won *grins* She asked for my address so that she could send a surprise skein of yarn (side note: I love the knitting community - in any other context I'm sure I would have been very suspicious of a relative stranger emailing to ask my address!)

And this is what I got in the post, on a day where I needed cheering up slightly:

Lola-Doodle's handpainted classic sock yarn. Karen said in the enclosed note that she wanted to send something I might not have tried before, which I think is one of the most fun things about giveaways (especially secret surprise ones!)

The colourway name is "Who Do Voo Doo", which should explain my post title, but for anyone who has not seen Jim Henson/George Lucas' film Labyrinth (and let me take a moment to tell you that you should) the film includes the following exchange:

You remind me of the babe,
- What babe?
The babe with the power
- What power
The power of voodoo
-Who do?
You do

Hmmm, it loses a little something when it's written down instead of sung *laughs* To make up for it, here is a picture of David Bowie as Jareth, the Goblin King ;)

So now I need to find a pattern based on goblins or mazes, or something *laughs* And I shall leave you with a close up of the cool colours which, for a change, is a pretty close match to reality!


  1. Awesome suprise. Have not watched Labrynith for ages, I think I see a knitting/film/hot chocolate fest coming up this weekend

  2. What a great colour!

    Dammit, I will have that song stuck in my head all day now...

  3. Also - labyrinth socks!

  4. Tink - you're a genius! Why do I never remember to check these things?!

  5. Great prize! Yes, the fiber arts community is good with sending gifts. I love that colorway and it will make a sassy project whether it be socks or a shawlette or mitts or a hat or...

  6. That's a really cool colourway!
    Also don't worry about it being written down and not sung, my brain did the translation all by itself. Not sure how long it is going to take me to get it out of my mind now!

  7. So jealous! Labyrinth is my all time favorite movie. I can quote it in my sleep.
    Can't wait to see what you knit up!

  8. I'm so glad you like the yarn:) I look forward to seeing what you knit with it.

  9. Love the yarn (and the film!)

  10. Mmmm Jareth! Nice yarn, too. ;)

  11. Very nice! I LOVED Labryinth -- must've watched it 100 times when I was a teenager, lol.

  12. Aww that story's so super nice. Knitting bloggers are truly the friendliest, I've been bowled over by them. Whatever you make with that wool will be full of good vibes.

  13. Oh my goodness! You are the winningest girl ever! Love the yarn...


  14. That is some lovely wool, its a nice colour too!! lucky you!!

    I have also watched that film, so I totally get what you mean :)

  15. OOhh, fun stuff! I will be doing the same when my comments between the two old blogs and the new one reach 5000 comments. But I'm not telling when I think that will happen. Wouldn't that be a scream if you ended up winning my comment contest too!!

  16. Congratulations, I hope the yarn gives you lots of fun. I have to confess I have never seen Labyrinth, but now I shall look out for it.

  17. How exciting!! Congratulations on your surprise winning :)


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