Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Hello, poor neglected blog!

Yep, I'm still alive, and still (just about) crafting. I never expected to be too busy to post here, and I find myself missing my blog and all the blogs I love to read. I'm not making any promises about posting more regularly because I know as soon as I plan something it flies right out the window, but I hope to be around a little bit more.

I feel like I should have more to update, having been absent for a month, but nothing is springing immediately to mind. Maybe I should make a list. I like lists *laughs*

  • I've just come back from a week's holiday with my mum. Had a fabulous time, read a lot of books and generally did little more than lie on the beach for a week. It was a much needed break. 
  • I've been working really hard on my business, having a great time doing all sorts of bits and pieces, and hopefully will have some exciting news to share soon. 
  • Knitting has been happening, albeit not much *sigh* I'm nearing the end of my Celestarium though, and I can't wait to finish so I can show it off. I started another shawl, but I've made a mistake and can't figure out where it is, so it's in timeout while I decide between fudging and frogging ;)
  • Other crafting - I have been doing some other crafty bits, some painting of unexpected items (like shoes, I must take pictures and share) and a couple of other things I will post about at some point (I'd say "some point soon" but let's not be too optimistic *laughs*). I've met a great lady who does lino and screen printing workshops, so I'm hoping to book myself on one of those soon
  • I have an interesting decoupaging project on the go at the moment, and I will be posting about that soon (no, really!)
  • My yarn stash continues to grow, because if I can't knit I can at least buy... Yeah, I'm not sure of the logic either *laughs*

Now I'm off to get reacquainted with the blogs I haven't read in too long - I hope I haven't missed too much!  And because I don't like posting without pictures - here's one of my new yarns ;) Pretty, huh?


  1. OOOOOH yummy yarn!

    Nice to see you pop up in my reader today - hope all is well and I shall look forward to your next update...whenever it may be :D

  2. That yarn is gorgeous!
    You have been missed but I'm glad you've just been busy:)

  3. oooo that yarn is gorgeous! Looking forward to hearing about your other crafty projects :)

  4. I just wound a very pretty Countess Ablaze skein yesterday. It's so lovely. Lino cut should be fun too. It was the one art class at school I was any good at (my last art class at school was aged 12!).

    Glad you had a lovely restful holiday too. Sometimes we need to just be somewhere lovely with warmth and a good book.


Hi, thanks for letting me know you stopped by :D