Thursday, 15 December 2011

Behind the Times

Ok, so I know I'm totally behind the times on this, but I finally got round to playing with "That can be my next tweet".

For those not already over and done with it, the premise is that you type in your twitter name, and the site analyses your past history and generates some... well, gibberish really *laughs*

  • That where she possesses her sister.... wtf! ok, you've convinced by the concept but I made bread too! Apart from making bread, which I do do, I cannot fathom where this came from!
  • Yay, go for kidlets too : Glad the musical biscuit tin! I finished my comments : hmmm, strange The biscuit tin is a clear reference to the M&S rotating musical Christmas biscuit tin I bought thanks to a dangerous tweet from Mooncalf. 
  • Damn right, sometimes I made yarn so pretty much quicker ; I can't do evening - I had such amazing things This sounds bizarrely wistful to me *laughs*
  • I don't know for reverse stockinette in ears and always think just got a year! It makes no sense, but I find it pleasingly lyrical ;)
  • Glad the bookclub section in my willpower is currently intact This is the only one that actually appears to be a correct sentence, although it makes very little sense! 
  • Yay - I find patterns or cookery books - I pretty - your tweets are always forget that I don't remember? Why thank you, I am pretty *grins* And I do like patterns and cookery books.

So, conclusions... I say "yay" too much and use too many exclamation marks *laughs* 

PS: Sorry to everyone who doesn't do twitter, please ignore this post entirely ;)


  1. Mine are some doozies as well. They are mostly about playing video games in hospitals.

  2. I just had to go and play after seeing this. My favourite phrase so far is:

    "Damn and completely ignoring it up with lemons."

  3. hahaha that's hilarious! I just did mine and they are mostly tweets about the library, whiskey, and knitting decreases HAHA

  4. "Sl2tog, k1, psso is going to wake up in the apocalypse, or the heat."



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