Friday, 22 November 2013

I Made a Book!

I think I mentioned a little while ago that I had published an ebook on kindle - well, it is now in actual paperback *seriously big grin*


It's a children's book about a magical teddy bear who helps kids through tough times - all around the world. I'm so proud of it, and I've had some lovely amazon reviews:

Sensitive, emotional and highly imaginative - a must for all ages.

Skilfully written with a heart warming story.

Thoroughly enjoyed this book. A heart-warming story. Lovely to sit and read with your little ones at bed time over one or two evenings

I have a facebook page for The Adventures of Brown Ben, just in case you might be interested in learning more/keeping up to date with news etc. And that's also the best place to get in touch if you'd like to order a copy. 

Oh, yeah, information that is useful:

The book is £4.95, p&p (according to Royal Mail's calculator) is £1.10 in the UK, and 50% of the profits from the book are being donated to The Children's Trust - an amazing charity. 

Anyway, I just wanted to share, because this is the coolest thing! Ok, so it's time to stop blowing my trumpet, but I'm just seriously excited that I wrote a book, and now it is in my hands *grins*


  1. Aw that's really cool! Well done you :)

  2. That is AWESOME! Well done x 1000000000! I'd be really interested in hearing how you negotiated the incredibly tough and competitive children's publishing business. I know people who've been plugging away for decades with precious little to show for it. In the meantime, huge props to you, it's really lovely seeing one's work in print!

  3. Really cool! Have you blogged about the process? I'd love to learn how you did it (publishing, artwork, etc).


Hi, thanks for letting me know you stopped by :D